Section style筹款

莉迪亚之家每天都站在帮助儿童的第一线. It goes without saying that a donation to LYDIA Home not only changes the lives of our children, 它为他们创造了一种生活, 一个家! Your gift is always allocated directly where it’s needed most to support our ongoing efforts at LYDIA Home Chicago & 埃文斯顿.


#1. 莉迪亚需要给孩子们买一辆新车.


Your generous donation directly funds a vehicle we are buying to transport the children.

就像你和你的孩子一样, 我们的孩子需要交通工具去看医生, 学校, 事件, 旅行, 和活动.

我们目前的车辆已无法持续使用,我们请求您的帮助. 感谢您对LYDIA之家的关心和无私的付出.

**如果捐款超过购买车辆所需的费用, BC菠菜导航家 reserves the right to utilize any remaining funds where most needed at the discretion of the organization.


#2. You're invited to The Chicago Auto Show 第一个 Look Event benefiting LYDIA Home Association & 2025年BC菠菜论坛!

和我们一起度过一个充满乐趣、美食和慈善的夜晚! Attend one of Chicago's greatest one-day fundraisers and be one of the first to explore the annual editions of the nation's largest auto show. 参加晚会的人还将有机会赢得一辆全新的汽车!





#3. 为我们的儿童娱乐俱乐部捐款



    BC菠菜导航家 Association. The attached PDF should have all the information needed for you or your broker to facilitate a stock transfer. <\/p>

    一旦完成, 或者在转帐前有任何问题, please reach out to our donation processing team at<\/p>", "button": { "buttonText": "点击这里", "buttonLink": "/s/Stock-Contribution-Instructions_LHA.pdf", "buttonNewWindow": true }, "imageId": "622116208414f010410e50e4", "image": { "id": "622116208414f010410e50e4", "recordType": 2, "addedOn": 1646335520578, "updatedOn": 1705319525091, "workflowState": 1, "publishOn": 1646335520578, "authorId": "595135948419c2da5b64759e", "systemDataId": "1646334290220-LZLP0N9SBM1OUH8D7B29", "systemDataVariants": "1119x733,100w,300w,500w,750w,1000w", "systemDataSourceType": "PNG", "filename": "", "mediaFocalPoint": { "x": 0.5, "y": 0.5, "source": 3 }, "colorData": { "topLeftAverage": "000000", "topRightAverage": "000000", "bottomLeftAverage": "7878a3", "bottomRightAverage": "8181af", "centerAverage": "8d8bc0", "suggestedBgColor": "000000" }, "urlId": "duaxkmn50nqnz6pibb89uskw26t524", "title": "", "body": null, "likeCount": 0, "commentCount": 0, "publicCommentCount": 0, "commentState": 2, "unsaved": false, "author": { "id": "595135948419c2da5b64759e", "displayName": "Emily Peilan", "firstName": "Emily", "lastName": "Peilan", "avatarUrl": "", "websiteUrl": "", "bio": "

    Squarespace Web Designer | Creating stylish, chic and modern websites that convert for the Creative Entrepreneur and Small Businesses.&nbsp;<\/p>", "avatarAssetUrl": "" }, "assetUrl": "", "contentType": "image/png", "items": [ ], "pushedServices": { }, "pendingPushedServices": { }, "originalSize": "1119x733", "recordTypeLabel": "image" } }, { "title": "纪念捐赠", "description": "

    LYDIA Home always appreciates when loved ones reach out and tell their story of how LYDIA changed a loved one’s life. <\/p>

    Your contribution never goes unnoticed and is always allocated directly where it’s needed most to support our ongoing efforts at LYDIA Home. <\/p>

    Thank you for taking the time to leave a donation as a tribute to someone special.<\/p>", "button": { "buttonText": "作出纪念捐款", "buttonLink": "/donation-forms" }, "imageId": "62211aa626ba256735d95deb", "image": { "id": "62211aa626ba256735d95deb", "recordType": 2, "addedOn": 1646336678607, "updatedOn": 1705319525098, "workflowState": 1, "publishOn": 1646336678607, "authorId": "595135948419c2da5b64759e", "systemDataId": "1646334293775-026WYMDM6UU3D6PJQ7QF", "systemDataVariants": "435x356,100w,300w", "systemDataSourceType": "PNG", "filename": "", "mediaFocalPoint": { "x": 0.5, "y": 0.5, "source": 3 }, "colorData": { "topLeftAverage": "191820", "topRightAverage": "000000", "bottomLeftAverage": "000000", "bottomRightAverage": "8a86b0", "centerAverage": "585673", "suggestedBgColor": "000000" }, "urlId": "g80a1r6ftq0pg5ofdi5z0u13srcbg0", "title": "", "body": null, "likeCount": 0, "commentCount": 0, "publicCommentCount": 0, "commentState": 2, "unsaved": false, "author": { "id": "595135948419c2da5b64759e", "displayName": "Emily Peilan", "firstName": "Emily", "lastName": "Peilan", "avatarUrl": "", "websiteUrl": "", "bio": "

    Squarespace Web Designer | Creating stylish, chic and modern websites that convert for the Creative Entrepreneur and Small Businesses.&nbsp;<\/p>", "avatarAssetUrl": "" }, "assetUrl": "", "contentType": "image/png", "items": [ ], "pushedServices": { }, "pendingPushedServices": { }, "originalSize": "435x356", "recordTypeLabel": "image" } }, { "title": "既定计划捐赠", "description": "

    Planned giving is an excellent way to support LYDIA Home’s ministry to children and families. 计划好的捐赠可以在捐赠者生前或死后进行. They include any donation made as part of a person’s overall financial and/or estate plan.<\/p>

    这些礼物可以使非营利组织和慈善机构受益, 使捐赠者能够做出比他们的收入更大的捐赠. 而一些有计划的礼物则为受赠人提供终身收入 , others use estate and tax planning techniques to provide for a charity and other heirs in ways that maximize the gift and/or minimize taxation on the donor’s estate.<\/p>

    有计划的捐赠策略包括简单的遗赠, 指定慈善机构作为信托或人寿保险单的受益人, 以及捐赠贵重资产作为礼物. Financial planners with experience in this area of charitable giving can help donors identify the best strategy to maximize their gift.<\/p>

    联系 us to learn more, or receive a referral to a certified financial planner.<\/p>", "button": { "buttonText": "BC菠菜导航", "buttonLink": "/donation-forms" }, "imageId": "6225f17e6a2c8f10bf4413e7", "image": { "id": "6225f17e6a2c8f10bf4413e7", "recordType": 2, "addedOn": 1646653822689, "updatedOn": 1705319525101, "workflowState": 1, "publishOn": 1646653822689, "authorId": "595135948419c2da5b64759e", "systemDataId": "1646334290913-6IH6Q8LXFGDYXVERBFHE", "systemDataVariants": "747x799,100w,300w,500w", "systemDataSourceType": "PNG", "filename": "", "mediaFocalPoint": { "x": 0.5, "y": 0.5, "source": 3 }, "colorData": { "topLeftAverage": "000000", "topRightAverage": "000000", "bottomLeftAverage": "000000", "bottomRightAverage": "000000", "centerAverage": "efe9d9", "suggestedBgColor": "000000" }, "urlId": "9j5b2toen9v8by7ik2xky5x9kq8m1c", "title": "", "body": null, "likeCount": 0, "commentCount": 0, "publicCommentCount": 0, "commentState": 2, "unsaved": false, "author": { "id": "595135948419c2da5b64759e", "displayName": "Emily Peilan", "firstName": "Emily", "lastName": "Peilan", "avatarUrl": "", "websiteUrl": "", "bio": "

    Squarespace Web Designer | Creating stylish, chic and modern websites that convert for the Creative Entrepreneur and Small Businesses.&nbsp;<\/p>", "avatarAssetUrl": "" }, "assetUrl": "", "contentType": "image/png", "items": [ ], "pushedServices": { }, "pendingPushedServices": { }, "originalSize": "747x799", "recordTypeLabel": "image" } } ], "styles": { "imageFocalPoint": { "x": 0.5, "y": 0.5 }, "imageOverlayOpacity": 0.3, "backgroundColor": "white", "sectionTheme": "white", "imageEffect": "none", "backgroundMode": "image", "backgroundImage": null }, "video": { "filter": 1, "videoFallbackContentItem": null, "nativeVideoContentItem": null, "videoSourceProvider": "none" }, "backgroundImageFocalPoint": null, "backgroundImageId": null, "options": { "maxColumns": 1, "isCardEnabled": false, "isMediaEnabled": true, "isTitleEnabled": true, "isBodyEnabled": true, "isButtonEnabled": true, "mediaAspectRatio": "original", "layoutWidth": "full", "mediaWidth": { "value": 100, "unit": "%" }, "mediaAlignment": "center", "contentWidth": { "value": 100, "unit": "%" }, "titleAlignment": "center", "bodyAlignment": "center", "buttonAlignment": "center", "titlePlacement": "center", "bodyPlacement": "center", "buttonPlacement": "center", "cardVerticalAlignment": "middle", "contentOrder": "media-first", "verticalPaddingTop": { "value": 6.6, "unit": "vmax" }, "verticalPaddingBottom": { "value": 2, "unit": "vmax" }, "spaceBetweenColumns": { "value": 100, "unit": "px" }, "spaceBetweenRows": { "value": 100, "unit": "px" }, "spaceBetweenContentAndMedia": { "value": 0, "unit": "%" }, "spaceBelowTitle": { "value": 5, "unit": "%" }, "spaceBelowBody": { "value": 10, "unit": "%" }, "cardPaddingTop": { "value": 6, "unit": "%" }, "cardPaddingRight": { "value": 6, "unit": "%" }, "cardPaddingBottom": { "value": 6, "unit": "%" }, "cardPaddingLeft": { "value": 6, "unit": "%" }, "titleFontSize": "heading-2", "bodyFontSize": "paragraph-2", "buttonFontSize": "button-medium", "customOptions": { "customTitleFontSize": { "value": 1.2, "unit": "rem" }, "customBodyFontSize": { "value": 0.9, "unit": "rem" }, "customButtonFontSize": { "value": 0.8, "unit": "rem" } } }, "layout": "simple", "isSectionTitleEnabled": true, "sectionTitle": "

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  • 股票升值

    Thank you for your interest in donating stock and appreciated assets to BC菠菜导航家 Association. The attached PDF should have all the information needed for you or your broker to facilitate a stock transfer.

    一旦完成, 或者在转帐前有任何问题, please reach out to our donation processing team at

  • 纪念捐赠

    LYDIA Home always appreciates when loved ones reach out and tell their story of how LYDIA changed a loved one’s life.

    Your contribution never goes unnoticed and is always allocated directly where it’s needed most to support our ongoing efforts at LYDIA Home.

    Thank you for taking the time to leave a donation as a tribute to someone special.

  • 既定计划捐赠

    Planned giving is an excellent way to support LYDIA Home’s ministry to children and families. 计划好的捐赠可以在捐赠者生前或死后进行. They include any donation made as part of a person’s overall financial and/or estate plan.

    这些礼物可以使非营利组织和慈善机构受益, 使捐赠者能够做出比他们的收入更大的捐赠. 而一些有计划的礼物则为受赠人提供终身收入 , others use estate and tax planning techniques to provide for a charity and other heirs in ways that maximize the gift and/or minimize taxation on the donor’s estate.

    有计划的捐赠策略包括简单的遗赠, 指定慈善机构作为信托或人寿保险单的受益人, 以及捐赠贵重资产作为礼物. Financial planners with experience in this area of charitable giving can help donors identify the best strategy to maximize their gift.

    联系 us to learn more, or receive a referral to a certified financial planner.



请点击下面查看我们的莉迪亚之家芝加哥大厦亚马逊愿望清单. These are daily items for therapy, normal essentials, and needs that we use on an ongoing basis. 随着新项目的出现,它们将被添加. 我们感谢您的贡献.


请点击下面查看我们的LYDIA Home 埃文斯顿 Building亚马逊愿望清单. These are daily items for therapy, normal essentials, and needs that we use on an ongoing basis. 随着新项目的出现,它们将被添加. 我们感谢您的贡献.

***注:如果您选择从亚马逊购买物品, 或者其他零售商, 然后从零售商那里直接寄给莉迪亚, 我们看不到您的信息(姓名), address, 信用卡, 收据等.) since it is purchased from your personal account(s) and that is your private information.

If you’d like to receive an in-kind donation letter, please email with your order information and we will issue you a letter for tax purposes. If you drop off the items, you can request a tax letter at the time of drop off.


如果你是芝加哥地区的当地人,你想捐赠物品或食物, 请查看以下要求和接受的项目. 

第一个, 您必须填写表格,以获得捐款的批准和收据, 然后,您可以在我们的营业时间内将它们送到以下地址.


工作时间:早上9点.m. - 5 p.m. (星期一至五)


我们很高兴地宣布,我们现在接受加密货币! We can receive donations in over 70 types of cryptocurrency and we invite you to support us in this way if you choose. In addition, thanks to the Giving Block, your crypto-donation will also be matched at 100%. 如果您有任何问题,请BC菠菜导航


  • We accept the following cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin (BTC) Ethereum (ETH) USD Coin (USDC) Dai (DAI) Dogecoin (DOGE) Basic Attention Token (BAT) Ethereum Name Service (ENS) 0x (ZRX) 1inch (1INCH) Aave (AAVE) Alchemix (ALCX) Amp (AMP) Ankr Network (ANKR) ApeCOIN (APE) API3 (API3) Audius (AUDIO) Axie Infinity Shards (AXS) Balancer (BAL) Bancor Network Token (BNT) BarnBridge (BOND) Bitcoin Cash (BCH) ChainLink (LINK) Civic (CVC) Compound (COMP) Curve (CRV) Decentraland (MANA) DeFI Pulse Index (DPI) Dogelon Mars (ELON) Enjin Coin (ENJ) Fantom (FTM) Fetch AI (FET) Filecoin (FIL) Gala (GALA) Gemini Dollar (GUSD) Injective Protocol (INJ) Keep3r (KP3R) Kyber Network (KNC) Lido (LDO) Liquity USD (LUSD) Liquity(LQTY) Litecoin (LTC) Livepeer (LPT) Loopring (LRC) Magic Internet Money (MIM) Maker (MKR) Maple Finance (MPL) Mask Network (MASK) Merit Circle (MC) Mirror Protocol (MIR) Moss Carbon Credit (MCO2) Numeraire (NMR) Orchid (OXT) PAX Gold (PAXG) Polygon (MATIC) Quant (QNT) Radicle (RAD) Rally (RLY) Raydium (RAY) Ren (REN) Render Token (RNDR) Saber (SBR) Shiba Inu (SHIB) Skale (SKL) Smooth Love Potion (SLP) Solana (SOL) Somnium Space (CUBE) Spell Token (SPELL) Storj (STORJ) SushiSwap (SUSHI) Synthetix (SNX) Terra (LUNA) TerraUSD (UST) Tezos (XTZ) The Graph (GRT) The Sandbox (SAND) UMA (UMA) Uniswap (UNI) Wrapped Centrifuge (wCFG) Yearn.金融(YFI) Zcash (ZEC)

  • 所有加密货币捐赠都是最终的. No goods, services or airdrops will be offered in exchange for cryptocurrency donations.

  • Donors Please Read - IMPORTANT:Please only send the exact cryptocurrency listed on the blockchain mentioned on the widget. 不要发送任何其他加密货币(包括第2层, 包装标记, NFTs or other ERC-20 tokens not listed) as these are unsupported and may result in loss of donation.


Our mission helps children from around the world and we need your help to make an even bigger impact!


作为LYDIA国际的一部分, 亚历克斯和莎伦帮助贫困家庭和处于危机中的家庭. The physical goals are to see families stay together to have a chance at a future and to break the cycle of poverty // 阅读更多


自2006年以来, God has used LYDIA International and their partnership with a local Evangelical church to minister to children and families in the southern port city of Marseille, 法国/ / 阅读更多